Weekly outline

  • Ballot box

    Image by FutUndBeidl retrieved from https://search.creativecommons.org/photos/380eec4d-b298-4afa-aa63-22598d4aacc6

    2021 Student Elections

    The Nomination Period for the 2021 Fall Elections commenced September 15 and closed September 21, 2021.  This year 6 student candidates put their name forward for the 2 student positions on the Board of Governors. The Voting Period for the 21/FA Board of Governors election is now underway and runs from Thursday, September 23 until 4 PM Wednesday, September 29, 2021. This site has been created to provide student candidates with the opportunity to post some information about themselves to introduce themselves to the student body.

    Only 3 nominations were received for the 4 student positions on Education Council and only 3 nominations were received for the 12 Student Society positions so the nomination period for Education Council and Student Society has been extended until September 29th at 4PM.  Any student interested in running for one of these positions can obtain a Nomination Form from the NVIT front desk at either campus or on the mynvit portal.

  • Board of Governors Candidate Profiles

    The Board consists of eight or more members appointed by the Province of British Columbia from nominations received from the Board of Governors, and four elected positions, two from the students and two from faculty and staff at NVIT.  NVIT's President and the Education Council Chair are both non-voting members of the Board.  The Board sets our Mission, Values, and Vision, provides overall direction, and is a key link with communities. The Board has authorities and responsibilities determined by provincial legislation

    Board of Governors candidates may submit a profile of themselves and it will posted below.  

  • Education Council Candidate Profiles

    The Education Council (EDCO) is primarily responsible for academic matters as defined in the College and Institute Act.  Its membership consists of faculty, support staff, students and administrators as set out in legislation. The Education Council meets on a bi-monthly basis and is supported by sub-committees as well as the Dean’s office.

    Education Council candidates may submit a profile of themselves and it will posted below after the Nomination Period closes.

  • Student Society Candidate Profiles

    The purpose of the NVIT Student Society is:

      • To organize on a democratic, cooperative basis in advancing student interests and advancing the interests of the student community;
      • To facilitate cooperation among students in organizing services which supplement the learning  experience, provide for personal development, and which develop a sense of community with peers and with other members of the society;
      • To provide common framework within which students can communicate, exchange and share experiences, skills and ideas;
      • To achieve the goal of a system of post-secondary education which is accessible to all, which is of high quality, and which is rationally planned; which recognizes the legitimacy of student representation and the validity of student rights; and whose role in society is clearly recognized and appreciated.

    Student Society candidates may submit a profile of themselves and it will be posted below after the Nomination Period closes.