Blog entry by Anna Brown
How does intersectionality relate to aop?
With intersectionality someone may face oppression due to a number of things. They could be not only female, but Indigenous and gay as well. This can cause oppression in a number of ways, compared to someone who is a white heterosexual male. With AOP it is looking at the different social constructs that cause the oppression. This could be the education system, police force, work place or health care. It is in these places that the persons sexual orientation, race or appearance, religion or age may bring them oppression. In any helping field there must be anti-oppression practice so as to make sure the client is getting all the needed support in all these aspects.
Why care about poverty?
Many people that live below the poverty line face stereotypes. For example many reserves still live without clean water and adequate housing. Indigenous people are labeled as lazy and dirty but yet the basic needs are not being met. How can a people thrive if they do not have the basic needs to survive? The systematic discrimination continues on for many Indigenous people. It is not a thing of the past but it is current issues. There is policies within structures that create barriers and leaves many with ongoing oppression. Policies that need to change, which is why we need to have an anti-oppressive practice. There is historical issues but also current issues that lead up to such things as poverty.
Should aop workers promote peace and non-violence?
Yes as a social worker we should be thinking about what can promote peace and non- violence. As we will work on a personal level with people but we should be thinking about the macro and mezo levels as well. The overall reasons for the oppression and discord, and what brought that person to where they are at. With a focus of how can there be a collaboration to promote peace and non-violence. As we learned, violence comes in many forms, not just physical, so it is looking at the cause of this violence and what can be done to create peace in that aspect for the person, or people.