Writing, Grammer, Paraphrasing, Punctuation, What is Plagiarism
How to use the Reference Tab in Word
Using Text to Speech Option in Word
How to Avoid Sentence Fragments
Check out this list of examples of when to use transitional words and phrases which help you connect sentences, paragraphs and ideas.
Here is another list of transitional words.
Paraphrasing & Summarize Techniques:
Paraphrasing, Parts of Speech & Punctuation Tips:
https://mdl-nv-dev.tru.ca/pluginfile.php/280593/mod_page/content/8/Paraphrasing%2C%20Parts%20of%20Speech%20%20Punctuation.pdf?time=1605045840366What is Plagiarism:
Last modified: Tuesday, 10 November 2020, 2:15 PM