The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Summary (part 2)
The next 3 habits in the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, move you from being independent to being interdependent.
Interdependence is the highest level of what Stephen Covey calls the maturity continuum. The maturity continuum consists of 3 levels.. dependence, independence, and interdependence.
Dependency is like the relationship between a child and mother, or even sometimes between a boss and employee (if the employee lacks their own inner strength, values, and purpose). It's the attitude of you.
To move from dependence to independence, you have to nail the first 3 habits – be proactive, begin with the end in mind, and put first things first..
This is the attitude of I.
Most people think independence is where it's at.. they think it's the highest level, but in fact, interdependence is the highest level...
1 - be proactive
2 - begin with the end in mind
3 - put first things first
4 - think win win
5 - seek first to understand then to be understood
6 - synergy
7 - sharpen the saw